Google shoots itself in the foot

Perhaps the complaint you will hear most often from us is the vagueness and lack of definition in Blogspot's Terms and Conditions governing use of the service.

Not being specific requires Bloggers to guess what is and isn't acceptable and the increasing number of Blog deletions are testament to the fact that Bloggers are bad guessers.

To distinguish the bad guessers from the lucky guessers, Google/Blogger openly admit that there is a spam algorithm which crawls all Blogspot blogs searching for Spam-like content and infringements of its Terms and Conditions.

Basically, Google monitors your content.

Clarity in its Terms and Conditions is not something for which it is renown, however, there are some parts which are quite categorical. One such part is the following statement under Clause 2, Proper use:


Much of the content of Blogger.com and Blogspot.com -- including the contents of specific postings -- is provided by and is the responsibility of the person or people who made such postings. Google does not monitor the content of Blogger.com and Blogspot.com, and takes no responsibility for such content. Instead, Google merely provides access to such content as a service to you.

Did you spot it? Did you see how Google, the mega-multi billion dollar company with teams of attorneys on 24 hour call has misled all Bloggers in its own Terms and Conditions?

It's easy to miss in amongst all the vagueness so here it is again with extra emphasis.


Google does not monitor the content of Blogger.com and Blogspot.com, and takes no responsibility for such content.

In fact not only does Google monitor content, it monitors content that is specifically marked as Private and purposefully excluded from indexing and blogger listings.

sirspixie: QUOTE:

My Blog has been blocked and I got this error code: bX-3d2v0c
It's a private blog between me and my lover, has only the 2 members and it's not even public.
Please help me! I haven't done anything wrong.

Bloggers deserve to know about the hypocrisy that Google uses to maintain its reputation while stealthily removing content it simply does not like or cannot be bothered to review properly

Only today, Google officially replied to TrinaR's request for dialogue by closing the thread. Ironically, only a few posts down, from posted proof of Google-sanctioned verbal abuses (from its own Top Contributor moderators, no less), Fitness Seth, Google employee, decides to threaten anyone that doesn't follow the rules with a ban! See for yourself and make your own mind up.

Request to be told of formal complaint procedure


(If thread is censored like so many others, see copy here)

Bloggers do not deserve to be misled,or treated this way. They do not deserve to be forced to guess what is acceptable, only to find that if they guess wrong they will lose all their work.

These issues are unfair but they can only be addressed with your support - Google does not listen to individuals. If you believe you are somehow excluded from these unreasonable practices you are mistaken; there is as much chance of them finding you as anyone other Blogger.

We will continue to highlight these issues to you but we need you help to let all Bloggers know about the situation they face and how they can avoid it.

Source: BloggerVictim

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